
  • Google Ads
  • SEA
  • Display Advertising
  • Native Advertising
  • Video Advertising
  • Google Shopping
  • Social Advertising
  • Amazon Advertising
  • B2B-Advertising
  • Workshops

What We Offer

Expertise meets passion. Next to SEO, paid advertising is our longest-serving team. While this is not reflected in the age of our employees, it certainly is in our experience. We have been around for a long time and have seen a lot. For example, 42DIGITAL was one of the first German agencies to be involved in GMP and can therefore look back on a head start in terms of knowledge and experience.

For us, paid advertising runs hand in hand with SEO and content. This way, our paid advertising colleagues benefit from the optimized content of the other two teams and can achieve more favorable CPCs due to the higher quality. Comprehensive dashboards for all channels complete the picture and visualize the performance for our clients. You cannot provide advertising material for display ads? No problem! Our creative team is trained to create high-performance banners and other formats in the desired CI. This ensures maximum profit with minimal effort.

Our Certificates

Successful Paid Advertising Collaboration


Paid Advertising, SEO, Consulting


SEO, Content, Paid Advertising, Data, Web, Workshops, Consulting, Creation


Paid Advertising, Creation


Paid Advertising, Web, SEO, Content, Consulting

Your Paid Advertising Contact

Jens Brechmann

Jens doesn't only stay cool at the grill, but also during demanding campaigns. With our Data Driven Advertising team, he brings every conversion rate up to temperature.

Questions? Just get in touch!

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